Pricing/Online Orders/Deliveries
All prices on the Zua Health website are shown including GST and are quoted in Australian Dollars. We reserve the right to change our pricing at any time without notice. The original prices crossed out indicate the industry RRP and not necessarily the price before a special or sale. Prices on the website may vary to store prices, which may also vary from store to store. Purchases made in store will be charged at store prices unless otherwise agreed to. All attempts are made for freight charges to be correct & accurate. However, in the event where freight/delivery prices are either under charged or over charged, we will contact you with the correct pricing for freight and/or delivery. A re-delivery fee will be charged if you are not home to receive the delivery of goods purchased. “In Stock” refers to the item being either physically in stock or in stock at the distributor’s warehouse. Delivery fees for purchases in store & online are door to door deliveries only. “Door to door” refers to ground floor entrance and does not include stairs, lifts or difficult access. This is at the discretion of the delivery person, driver & in accordance with the freight company or carrier’s handling policy. Any other delivery requirements will have to be pre-arranged with Zua Health and additional charges will be incurred. If the item purchased is out of stock, then contact will be made to discuss other arrangements. Weights for each item is for freight purposes only and is not necessarily the actual weight of the goods.